Sproque Health

a word on remote healthcare

It has become important to have alternatives to the absolute need to go to hospitals and clinics to see doctors.

Firstly, some medical conditions can be handled by doctors remotely, once they give their patients a good interview session (called history taking). In such cases, a virtual consultation session is sufficient to have the patient catered for. Laboratory tests can also be ordered: the patient can be directed on what lab tests to have done to aid diagnosis as is warranted by the virtual consultation process.

Tele-health, i.e., the ability to access healthcare virtually, is especially important in the wake of the ongoing mass emigration of medical doctors from Nigeria, which has grossly increased the workload of the doctors left in the country. This doctor-patient mismatch invariably compromises the quality of healthcare that the public can access.

The hope with this webpage is to list providers of tele-health services in one space.

Telemedicine service providers in nigeria






